This a PC game (PC FTW MF). It has multiple single player campaigns and two main multiplayer modes. Each campaign can run you about 30 hours depending on how you play and if you pick a long or short conquest.
The objective of these campaigns is to wage a total war (LOL) and conquer Japan. The main campaign map plays like the Total War games before it, and for those not accustomed its a map of the country where you and all other players take turns building, moving armies, recruiting units, making treaties, declaring war, establishing trade, and all other manner of diplomatic actions. Its like a pimped out version of Risk.
The game utilized an RTS style of gameplay when your army attacks or is attacked, but this is completely optional and you can use numbers to fight your battles. During RTS play you will have the chance to place your units on a field and deploy against another army or castle. Each army can contain thousands of men and each one of those fuckers is fully rendered and acts individually. You can zoom right up and watch your men get shot in the face by arrows, its great. The game also has a historical battles mode where you can command either side of a realistic army in a famous Japanese battle that actually took place. There aren't very many of these, but its neat none the less.
The multiplayer component is the same as the single player, just all the other clans are controlled by people instead of AI. Its actually pretty in depth, but no one is ever on the damn thing. The single player campaigns also allow for drop in battles in case you want to kick yourself in the ass and give away an easy victory against the AI.
I'll go to list the good and bad about the game. I'll start by saying this game is fuckin great. I've got almost 100 hours invested in this thing on Steam, so I wouldn't have that much if I hated it. Now for the shit...
The ASS:
- The controls often don't give a flying fuck about you. You'll tell a unit on the main map to move somewhere and he'll take the longest route to get there at times. I told an army to move to a town and not only did he take off on an obscure route, he backtracked to where he was on the second turn. As if to say "oops, I didn't know where the fuck I was going."
- Some actions are based on chance, which add up to do whatever the fuck it wants. 5 star ninja can't kill a 2 star, then is killed by him? WTF is that noise? And this is a consistent problem that works both ways, good and bad
-Army movement is inconsistent when it comes to attacking. For some reason it looks like you'll be able to make it and then you just come short.
-This game WILL crash anything less than last gen graphics and OS. my laptop uses Intel i7-720QM and ATI 5870 1G GDDR5 and has never crashed
- Campaigns can drag on FOREVER at times
The Awesome:
- Pretty much everything else.
- The game (with good hardware) sports literally thousands and thousands of men engaged in bloody combat without a hitch. Riderless horses take off running, men cower with defeat and run, Generals are important characters that you care about and don't want to die. The detail is amazing
- The level of intricacy involved with managing your empire is aw inspiring. You have to carefully manage towns or you will incite revolts. You can change your religion, designate heirs to the throne, manage taxes, very realistic diplomacy with other clans. The game is incredibly deep and satisfying.
- Runs on Steam, and Steam is awesome
I wish I could do a video review of this game, since that seems to be how people do it nowadays, but I'm retarded in the field of animation engineering. I will say that I recommend the fuck out of this game if you enjoy RTS games even a little bit. Hell even you don't, if you like strategy games pick this shit up. All the RTS elements are completely optional, except in multiplayer, but no one plays it so doesn't fucking matter now does it? This is the best Total War to Date (LOL) and will give you hours upon hours of medieval joy. You can always pick it up straight from Steam for a cheap price too.
That's my review. Hope it helps, and I hope you buy it. If not, find a skunks ass and suck wind for an hour cause I don't give a flying fuck :)
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